“but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” – Isaiah 40:31.
Jesus could have come and healed Lazarus when he was still alive. Instead, He waited to raise him from the dead when he was already in his grave. God could have made David become king the day after he was anointed. Instead, He waited years to be king, many of those years spent fearing for his life, hiding out and running away from his father-in-law. God could have given Abraham the son He promised him when he was still a young man. Instead, He waited until he was 100 years old and because of physical reasons would have a more difficult time conceiving at that age.
God could have answered prayers instantly, but He made them wait instead. And He often makes us do the same.
He makes us wait for healing to come after we’ve been praying for years and there is no sign of recovery. He makes us wait to find our spouse after all our friends are already married. He makes us wait to start a family. One thing we know for sure, His ways are not our ways, so if we are asked to wait, it is because God has a better perspective, plan and purpose for our lives.
If He is making you wait, there is a very good reason for it. If He is telling you “no” today, maybe it’s because He has a better “yes” waiting for you tomorrow. If He is keeping you in the same place you’ve always been today, maybe it’s because He’s helping build your faith for tomorrow.
Wherever you are at today know that God is right beside you and that there is a purpose for you. Even if that purpose is to wait. Don’t give up just because you don’t see anything happening today. It may seem that little is happening, but that may not be the case. So don’t allow your waiting period to make you hopeless about what tomorrow will bring. Instead, let it build your faith and give you even greater hope for what God has prepared for you.
Discussion Questions:
- What does it look like to wait on God?
- What can we do this week to be better at waiting for God?