“Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying. Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die. Do you believe this, Martha?” – John 11:25-26.
The tomb is empty. What an overflow resulted from that single event. After His death on the cross, Jesus rose, conquering sin, satan and death. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest event in all history, for this event is the earthly culmination of God’s atoning work on the cross.
Easter is about a month away. We all know the statistics concerning Easter and Christmas. People are more open to coming to church on Christmas and Easter than at any other time of the year. Because of that, we look at these holidays as great opportunities for outreach. Opportunities to share the gospel while giving people an opportunity to experience first hand our church environments. While it is important to “put our best foot forward,” I don’t believe this is enough to bring people back after Easter. What people want is to meet the risen Savior.
During Easter season, it is hard to not be impressed with the grace of God. Especially when we think of Jesus, specifically his suffering in the place of all sinners. Or when we think of Jesus, the one who is due all glory and honor, bearing all of my shame and dishonor, so that I might be forgiven.
During this Easter season there is someone around you who is sincerely wondering “who Jesus really is.” They honestly don’t know, or what they think they know are myths and perceptions. But they have an open mind and are willing to listen. Remember that the majority of people who don’t attend church, give the same reason when they’re asked why: “No one ever asked.”
So our mission over the next few weeks is to find that one person that you can invite. That person can be your neighbor, your colleague, maybe a brother or sister, a mother or father, maybe a close friend. Someone who hasn’t yet experienced the forgiveness, the deliverance, and the peace, that comes when you experience new life through faith in Jesus Christ. Invite him or her to one of our Northstar campuses.
Take some time over the next few weeks to feel what Jesus feels, by letting your heart be broken for those who are hurting, those who are wandering, those who are searching for answers to this life. If you let yourself feel what Jesus feels: it will bring a flood of compassion for those far from the heart of God.
Discussion Questions:
- Make a list of people you want to invite to church on Easter? Have you prayed for that individual(s)?
- Pray and ask God for the wisdom to invest in the lives of others in a way that draws them to Him