“But forget all that — it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” – Isaiah 43:18-19.
Do you need a new thing in your life? Are you in a rut? We all end up there from time to time. Maybe it’s a deep rut, or maybe it’s just a shallow rut. If that’s where you are, there’s a sure prescription to get you out of that rut and moving forward again.
In Isaiah 43:19, God speaks to Israel through the prophet Isaiah and promises to “do something new” if the nation is only aware of it. That verse is as relevant today as it was in Isaiah’s day. Every morning, we get up and start our routine, and it is a new day. God causes the sun to rise, the dew to appear on the grass, the birds to sing and the fresh breeze to blow. But we tend to be oblivious to all that because we hurriedly rush to meet our morning objectives, preparing to face another day. Is this the way God intended us to live? No, but we tend to rationalize that we need to move fast in a fast-moving world, but when we do happen to slow down, we realize that God may be continuously doing a new thing around us, and we are too busy to notice.
God creates a new day for us each morning and repeatedly presents us with opportunities to experience Him freshly. If you were asked when the last time you experienced God doing something new in your life? A few verses later, God tells Israel, “But, dear family of Jacob, you refuse to ask for my help. You have grown tired of me, O Israel!” (Verse 22). It appears that Israel had grown weary of the Lord. They were taking His grace for granted.
Isaiah 43:18 begins by saying, “But forget all that — it is nothing compared to what I am going to do.” The Israelites were stuck in the past. In Isaiah 43:19a, we see Him telling them why to stop looking back and longing for what was gone: “For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?” The truth still stands for us today that God is doing a new thing in our lives, creating a way in the wilderness of this world and springing forth a new thing if we only recognize it.
The Lord encourages His people to let go of the old and embrace the new, even though this new seems scary and unfamiliar. He wanted them to open their eyes to see He was still at work and sovereign. Keeping their eyes focused on the past blinded them to the promising new things He was doing.
If we are to see the “new” things God is doing, we need to slow down to see them. We need to pause and look for the signs of the new. Look around for those signs of new life, of something beautiful forming under God’s hand, wherever you are in your life right now.
Discussion Questions:
- Have you ever experienced a time when God did something new in your life, even when you weren’t expecting it?
- What are some areas in your life where you might need to be open to God doing something new?
- How can you cultivate a mindset of openness to new things God might want to bring into your life?