“Following Christ isn’t something that can be done halfheartedly or on the side. It is not a label we can display when it is useful. It must be central to everything we do and are.” ― Francis Chan, Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God.
A pastor shared a story about how he was in front of his church working on landscaping when an elderly woman walked by and asked him, “Are you a follower of Jesus?” The pastor stopped what he was doing to engage the woman and said, “I am a Christian.” She paused and said, “I didn’t ask you that.” The pastor assumed she wanted his qualifications: “I go to and preach in church every week, I have a degree in theology which enables me to read scripture in the original Greek and Hebrew, my grandfather was a well-known preacher in these parts.” The woman listened intently and then said, “You may be a religious person, but that does not make you a follower of Jesus,” then she walked away.
So, what does it mean to follow Jesus? The word follower has changed over the years. The word “follower” has evolved in our world. Nowadays, it implies a casual, social media-type relationship that doesn’t require much commitment. But when Jesus said “follow me” in Matthew 4:19, He meant something completely different. He wasn’t interested in likes and comments.
While following Jesus doesn’t mean physically following Him around, it does mean turning from living your own life and choosing to live a new life with Jesus in charge. Being a Christ follower goes far beyond saying “I’m a believer” or identifying as a Christian. It’s about having a personal relationship with Jesus that radically transforms your life: “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun” (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Following Jesus means loving Him with all your heart and reflecting His love and compassion toward others. It also means studying His Word and seeking opportunities to share Jesus in everyday conversations. It means to trust Him even when the road gets bumpy or uncertain. It means every choice you make mirrors His character, and when He stretches you by leading you outside your comfort zone, you understand that there is a purpose behind it.
Following Jesus is more than a call to attend church on Easter or keep a Bible on a bookshelf. It’s a call to become like Him. To think how He thought, to live like He lived, and to treat others in light of His sacrifice for them. Following Jesus encompasses living your life according to Jesus’ teachings in every aspect, including your actions, thoughts, and interactions with others, not just participating in a weekly religious gathering.
“Jesus says, ‘I want you to follow me so fully, so intensely, so enduringly that all other attachments in your life look weak by comparison’” – Timothy Keller.
Discussion Questions:
- What does following Jesus mean in practical life?
- In what ways can we be better at following Jesus?