Follow: Leadership of a follower
We don’t usually associate leadership with the church. Leadership is about what could and should be, and we assume the church is about what has been. But Jesus was the greatest leader who ever lived. He modeled a unique approach to leadership that defied our expectations and changed the world. Jesus leveraged His authority for the benefit of those under His authority. Following Jesus means that when we find ourselves in positions of authority, we do the same.
Bottom Line: Leverage your authority for the benefit of those under your authority.
Something To Talk About:
Whether you’re a parent, a boss, or a coach, you’re a leader in someone’s life. Leading like Jesus means serving. It means leveraging your authority on behalf of those under your authority. It means looking for opportunities to do for one what you wish you could do for everyone.
- The message of leading great: Leadership is everywhere in our world. There are good leaders and bad leaders, wise leaders and foolish ones. Some leaders impact many people, such as an entire nation, while others may only influence one or two people. It is important to understand the impact that we can make in the lives of others no matter where we are in life. As Christians, when we are put in positions of leadership, we are called to care about those around us and serve them with Godly leadership, and facilitate their success, regardless of where they show up on an organizational chart. Our leadership should be about more than our power, influence, or individual purpose. Instead, our leadership should show Christ’s love to others and be filled with His purpose and intent. Each day, we get to choose what type of leader we want to be.
- The question of leading great: In our technology-driven world, we could spend an entire day without physical contact with another person. You can go days with your only interaction being with your touch screen or mouse and keyboard. That’s not the kind of world we want to live in, though. Leaders should have a genuine interest in helping others. Think back to the last time you helped someone, whether it was walking over to have a conversation or going grocery shopping. Putting other people’s needs before yours also strengthens our relationships. It connects you with the one you’re serving; if that someone is someone you know, it creates a stronger bond with them. It also enriches other people’s lives. And perhaps the best benefit of helping others is that your one act of kindness could have a major domino effect.
- One Application of Leading Great: Jesus is our greatest example of selflessness. Scripture is full of examples of Him serving others – from going out of His way to talk to the woman at the well, healing lepers, washing His disciples’ feet, to the ultimate sacrifice of giving His life. We, too, can look for opportunities to help and serve others like Jesus. That means we consider the needs of others; it means we serve generously without reservation and with joy. Opportunities to serve are all around us. We can find them at home and we can see them outside our houses too. God will put someone in our path whom we can serve today. Look for opportunities to do for one what you wish you could do for everyone.
Discussion Questions:
- Do you think that leaders are “born” or “made?” Are there specific characteristics or traits you have been born with that have either helped or hampered your leadership? Are there areas of your leadership you have set out to improve consciously? How would you like your leadership style and skills to improve?
- Jesus Christ is the ultimate leader. How so? From what you know of Jesus’ leadership style, how is your leadership like His? Different from His?
- What were the values that Jesus’ leadership exemplified? As you examine your leadership, what values motivate the decisions you make, the priorities you set, and the ways you relate to people?
- Talk about a leader in your life—a parent, boss, or coach—that has had a big influence on you. What was it about that leader that made him or her unique?
- Have you ever been under the authority of a poor leader? If so, what did it cost you?
- How is leadership comparable to servanthood?
- Great leaders ask, “What can I do to help?” Respond to that statement. Do you agree? How does it challenge your assumptions about leadership?
- In what ways can you change your current approach to leading?
- Why are practical communication skills so necessary for leadership in today’s world? What was the source of Jesus’ authority in His speech? How did authority and humility come together in Jesus? What does authority coupled with humility look like in a Christian communicator today?
- What particularly stood out to you from this sermon? Was anything significantly reassuring or challenging?
Take One Thing Home with You:
Jesus Christ was a great leader. No one in history has been discussed more, worshipped more, had more songs and books written about, and inspired more artwork. Jesus was undoubtedly a leader from whom lessons can be learned and applied in today’s world.
Great leaders lead from the inside out. Jesus focused on personal leadership first–matters of character. At the core of these matters of character is integrity. Without integrity, no one will follow you; if no one is following you, you are not leading.
Leadership is truly an inside job. Your leadership skills will only take you as far as your character will allow. Jesus had a pure heart and unfailing character. The more you work on your heart and character, the more others will want to follow you.