Follow: I want what I want
Most of us don’t become Christians with the intent of following Jesus. We become Christians because we are told obedience pays and disobedience doesn’t. We become Christians, hoping that spirituality will fill the holes in our souls. We become Christians, hoping God will fix us. Eventually, our agendas clash with Jesus’ agenda, and we have to decide whether we’ll abandon Him or follow.
Bottom-Line: If you want to want what you should want look to Jesus.
Something To Talk About:
- It is all about me: What’s in it for me? Sometimes, we like to do what we want, when we want, how we want. As much as we desire to serve and honor God in all we do and say, all roads seem to lead back to our desires. Being a Christian doesn’t come with a promise of selflessness but guarantees a transformation that, inexplicably, changes the human heart. It’s a daily journey of living by His Spirit as He sheds the old to reveal the new and an ever-increasing hunger to cease saying, “What about me?” in exchange for, “It’s all about you, Jesus.”
- God’s agenda versus your agenda: At some time, God’s agenda and your agenda will be in conflict. Judas was motivated by his agenda. He followed Jesus and, at the same time, pursued his agenda. The reality is we have been created by God, selected by God, and empowered by God to fulfill His agenda, not yours. Many of us who are followers of Jesus have not yet whole-heartedly embraced Jesus’ agenda as our own. We have our agendas, and our agenda is what is most important to us. Many of us don’t mind being connected to Jesus, just as long as He doesn’t get in the way of our agenda. However, God has an agenda and plan for your life as well. Those two agendas often will collide, but in the end, our agenda should match His.
- If you want what you should want look at Jesus: For many of us, the problem is not so much believing God is in control, nor is it acknowledging that He is our provider—it’s that we’re not sure we always like His choices for us. Some of us have experienced lost opportunities, lost work, taken a pay cut, seen our savings threatened, or been pushed to the brink of concern by what all this might mean for our future. God is in control. God is our provider. But do you also believe His provision for you is good? So, “what if what God wants for me is not what I want? What if His provision for me is not what I would choose?” These are good, honest questions that test and grow our faith. God’s plan for you might not be what you would choose (it seldom is), but do you believe it is good? Jesus’ words in Matthew 7:9-11 teach us that a good Father gives only good gifts: “You parents—if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.” As in every part of life, we need to look to Jesus.
Discussion Questions:
- Talk about something you wanted in life, whether during adulthood or when you were a child. What did you do to try to get it? Did you succeed?
- God wants to grow our trust in Him because as trust goes, so goes the relationship. Unshakable trust and faith in God is possible, but not by accident. Agree or disagree and why?
- Have you ever seen someone put aside his or her wants to follow God’s will? How did that person’s actions influence your faith?
- Was there ever a time when you felt a tension between God’s will and your own? What did you do?
- God’s hand can’t be forced. His will can’t be thwarted. How does that statement challenge the way you think about God? What comfort do you find in it?
- Have you ever had to give something up—a dream, an ambition, money, career advancement—to follow Jesus?
- What is one area of your life that you need to say no to yourself and follow Jesus? What can this group do to support you?
- To embrace God’s agenda, you will need to let go of your agenda and adjust your life to His plan.
- This is where you say, “God, how do you want to use me in your agenda? What does following you look like at work, at school, and at home?”
- What was your main takeaway from this week’s message?
Take One Thing Home with You:
This is a good time to have a “courageously real” conversation with your Father. Spend a few moments on your own talking to Him about where your agenda and His are at odds. If you’re wrestling with conflicting agendas, acknowledge that. Bring it to Him. Ask Him for help. To embrace God’s agenda, you will need to let your agenda go. You will need to adjust your life to His plan with His help.