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Week 4 Sermon Questions For Groups

Week 4 Sermon Questions For Groups

How to Bible: I can trust the Bible because… 


The Bible is called the greatest book, and rightly so. It’s no secret that the Bible is old. It has been around for centuries and has had a profound influence on mankind all throughout history. How do we know that the copies we have today are an accurate representation of the original manuscripts? And how do we know we can trust it?

Bottom Line:

Something To Talk About:

The Bible: where would we be without it? But how do we know we can trust it? The following are seven ways:

  1. The Bible is historically accurate: We know that the Bible is historically accurate first, from eyewitness accounts. The Bible is primarily eyewitness accounts. That’s why it’s good history. The other test of history by which we know the Bible is accurate is the extreme care with which the Bible was copied. The Old Testament copyists, the scribes, when they would copy these scrolls from one to the other, they would copy like a Xerox copy.  It had to be exact. They had this long list of rules they had to go by to make sure it was exact. Another proof is in archeology. Many critics who brush off the Bible as a compilation of folklore and legends, do so overlooking the fact that thousands of archaeological discoveries over the past century have verified the historical reliability of the Bible. No archeological discovery has ever controverted [overturned] a Biblical reference. 
  2. The Bible is scientifically accurate: That the scholarly world is still discussing whether or not the Bible is scientifically accurate is a wonder in itself. The science which is mentioned in the Bible is 2000 years old, at the least. Most books have a life-span of 20 years. Any book which survives that length of time is extraordinary. Most of the books which discuss science are out-dated by the time they go to the press. Yet, here is the Bible, a book which is over 2000 years old and still considered to be scientifically accurate by a large number of educated men and by the large majority of the populace. 
  3. The Bible is prophetically accurate: Among the many amazing evidences that enable people to trust the Bible is the wealth of fulfilled prophecies. People have been making predictions for centuries, but the Bible is different from all other predictions. With incredible detail, forthright clarity, and impeccable accuracy, the Bible has consistently unveiled the future for centuries. Daniel is one example. Isaiah’s amazing prediction concerning the coming reign of the Persian King Cyrus—two hundred years before his birth (Isaiah 44:28) proves the authenticity off the Bible. In fact, the Bible is filled with other amazing, supernatural predictions, that can be verified by historical records. Historical prophecies that spoke about the future at the time of writing but later came true are particularly effective as an evidence of Scripture’s trustworthiness.
  4. The Bible is thematically unified: the main theme of the Bible is the presentation of salvation. Written over sixteen hundred years, by forty different authors, the overriding theme is the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. That fundamental truth is what everything in the Bible points toward.   
  5. The Bible is confirmed by Jesus: Jesus is the person that over 300 different prophecies were written about, and He fulfilled all of them. He predicted His own death and how and when He would come back from the dead, and then He did it. The Son of God who rose from the dead trusted the Bible. (Matthew 5:18) So that is good enough for me to trust the Bible as well. 
  6. The Bible has survived all attacks:The Bible is the most despised book, the most derided, the most denied, the most disputed, the most dissected, the most debated, the most outlawed, the most destroyed, the most banned book ever in history. This Bible has been under attack for century after century after century by everything you can imagine. Yet, it is still the most read book in the world, the most published book in the world, the most translated book in the world, the bestselling book in the world and it is still making a difference in people’s lives.
  7. The Bible has transforming power: One of the greatest miracles God performs on a daily basis is that of a changed life. Every year, around the world, millions of lives are delivered from life of sin. Change is a normal offshoot of experiencing the power of God that accompanies new life in Christ. One of God’s primary tools for affecting change is the Bible. How can you not trust this collection of writings that empowers lives to be changed in such amazing ways? The key to understanding this power is to grasp that the Bible is the Word of God. 

Discussion Questions:

  1. How would you describe your current connection with the Bible?
  2. Is the Bible reliable/trustworthy? Why or why not?
  3. Is trusting the Bible and trusting God different in any way?
  4. Is there a part of the Bible that you have the most difficulty believing or trusting?   
  5. Read 2 Peter 1:16-21: This book of the Bible is a letter from Peter. What difference does it make if the disciples are eyewitnesses (v16)?
  6. Do you have trouble with the Bible being scientifically accurate? Why or why not?
  7. Why is the idea of a unified theme so important?
  8. Have you seen lives transformed through the power of the gospel?
  9. What questions or roadblocks get in the way of you being able to trust what God says in the Bible?
  10. If the Bible is truly the Word of God and can be trusted, what are we going to do with it?

Take one thing home with you:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart;  do not depend on your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5)

Trusting is critical to the Christian walk. Nowhere is this seen more fully than in the life and work of Christ. Christ trusted the Father totally, even to His death; through His redeeming work on the Cross, His resurrection, and pouring His Spirit into our hearts. In a culture of misplaced trusts, broken promises, and damaged lives, only Jesus is unshakable, unchangeable, unbreakable, and worthy of all our trust. He trusted the Father perfectly with all His heart, making straight the path for our salvation so we too would trust Him. We can trust His word just as we trust Him.