Navigating the spiritual world: Paranormal: the third mark of the occult
The paranormal is a meaningful conversation to have because it has exploded onto the cultural scene in ways it never has before. TV shows like Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures, Ghost Stories, Celebrity Ghost Stories, and Long Island Medium, to name a few. We’re inundated with ads for psychic hotlines and online psychic readings. But it’s also left us confused. What’s real, and what’s fake? What’s true, and what’s a lie? And most of all, what’s safe, and what’s dangerous?
Something To Talk About:
The word “occult” means that which is hidden, or secret, beyond the range of ordinary human knowledge, or below the surface of normal life. The third mark of the occult is:
- Any attempt to gain and master power in order to manipulate or influence other people into certain actions.
- One of the most sobering facts about life is that all humans have a supernatural enemy whose aim is to use pain and pleasure to make us blind to the truth forever. The Bible calls him the devil and Satan, among other things. He is our “adversary [who] prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8).
- The fact is that people are being influenced and controlled, and used by the devil. Anyone who is not paying attention can be influenced and used by Satan to come against you. The enemy is very good at using our desire for power to manipulate or influence others.
- There are times when Satan is speaking directly to you through people. He is using people to get at you. Whether you recognize it or not, this goes on much more than you know. Remember, you are in a spiritual war.
- The Bible talks about liars and manipulators in many places. The Bible indicates that liars and manipulators are evil. However, for those who are in relationships with these types of individuals, it is important to understand that these people tend to try to use others for their own benefit. As Christians, we must be careful not to be manipulated by others. We can only trust God with our lives and actions. If we do not believe in God’s love and guidance, we will be vulnerable to manipulation by others.
- The occult is used to produce effects beyond man’s power. Everyone involved in false worship, seeking forbidden knowledge, or using forbidden power should be avoided.
Discussion Questions:
- Why is there such a fascination with the supernatural?
- What are some of Satan’s methods for opposing God and his people?
- In what ways does Satan imitate God?
- What are some characteristics of demons?
- How can the occult be used to manipulate people?
- How can the occult be used to influence people?
- What can we do to keep from being manipulated or influenced by the occult?
- How can we seek the Lord and Him alone for guidance?
Take One Thing Home with You:
There are many ways that Satan will try to manipulate you: one of them is making comparisons.
If you are on any social media platforms, you have had a moment where you saw someone else’s lavish life and wished you had the same. You might even look right over to your neighbors, see what they have in their house or the seemingly perfect marriage, and feel that your life wasn’t as great. You compare your career income and status with those of your peer group and co-workers or think that your life pales in comparison to your friends. We have this perception that the grass in the yard over the fence is so much greener and better than our own, and that’s all Satan’s doing. He wants us to feel terrible about ourselves and that our lives are terrible and not worth living.
Satan can sometimes creep into our lives without our conscious knowledge. By spending time with the Lord, we understand the difference between evil and good and can more easily recognize when evil comes into our lives. If you don’t recognize Satan’s strategies, it’s hard to defeat them. The good news: God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. Satan hates you and has a destructive plan for your life.