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Week 1 Sermon Questions For Groups

Small things, big difference: your one word


Sometimes the smallest things make the biggest differences in our lives. One word helps you simplify your life by focusing on just one word for the entire year. The simplicity of discovering a word that God has for you makes it a catalyst for life change. Clutter and complexity lead to procrastination and paralysis, while simplicity and focus lead to success and clarity.

Something To Talk About:

  1. We’re asking you to seek God for one word this year and then put one verse with it and trust God’s power to make it happen. Allow that word to direct your life and focus your decisions.
  2. The premise is simple: lose the long list of resolutions, all your sweeping promises to change, and do something about one thing this year instead of nothing about everything. Choose just one word that represents what you most hope God will do in you, and focus on it for an entire year. This single act will force clarity and concentrate your efforts. As you focus on your word over an extended period of time, you position yourself for God to form your character at a deep, sustainable level. Growth and change will result.
  3. Spend some time thinking about who you want to be. What kind of person do you want to become? Do you want to have the faith of Abraham? The patience of Job?  The courage of Daniel? The Grace of Esther? The Surrender of Mary? The Joy of Paul? The bible is full of people of characters and most of their character traits can be summed up in a single word. That character trait is one word that we should want to exhibit in our own life.
  4. Maybe that word is bolder as an example; you want to live and speak more boldly for Jesus Christ.  How badly do you want to be bolder in 2022? Do we want it enough to ask, seek, and knock until God answers us and to take risks that press on our timidity? Boldness is not constant or taken for granted. We must keep praying for it whenever we need it. Even the apostle Paul experienced this. “I am in chains now, still preaching this message as God’s ambassador. So pray that I will keep on speaking boldly for him, as I should.” (Ephesians 6:20). Boldness is not a luxury for the Christian. If we want to be bolder we need to incorporate boldness into our daily life. So when opportunities come our way to be bold we are ready to seize that opportunity.
  5. Then pick a passage that fits your word.
  6. Jesus came that we might have eternal life in the future and abundant life now—a life of purpose, passion, and peace. He is the truth on which we stand, the way in which we walk, and the light to lead our steps. To hear, know, and obey His word is the key to security and stability in a world ever-bending to the constant winds of change.  There are endless possibilities that can start with one word.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Evaluate yourself. In what ways did you grow last year and in what ways did you struggle?
  2. What’s one thing you would like to change about yourself or accomplish this year?
  3. What area does God want to take hold of in your life and use for His glory?
  4. What’s your one word? How will this word help bring focus to your life?
  5. What verse have you chosen to go with your one word? How does this verse apply to your one word?
  6. What distracts you from focusing on the change or the spiritual formation you desire?
  7. Think about your past attempts to change. Have you made resolutions or sweeping promises to change? How well did it work?
  8. Often our desire to change is fueled by regret — does regret generally propel you forward or hold you back?
  9. When we are faithful in the small things, God trusts us in the big things. How have you seen the truth of this statement in your life.
  10. How can your friends, family, or small group help you in living out your one word this year?
  11. What’s the first step you will take to live out your one word?

Take one thing home with you:

The one-word exercise brings simplicity and focus. It cuts through the distractions and keeps us focused on what really matters. It has stretched us in all areas: spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, and financially. God will transform you through this exercise.