At The Movies – Moana
Inspired by the movie, Moana, this week’s message reminds us that we as Christians need to remember who we truly are and to discover what our purpose is as children of God. We need to answer His call for our lives, knowing that there is a war for our hearts, but that God carries us through that battle and will guide us in our purpose.
Bottom Line: Discovering Your Purpose In Life
Something To Talk About:
Most of us are deeply concerned with living meaningful, purposeful lives, and we spend a lot of energy trying to figure out if we are doing it. We want to know what God wants for our lives, and we want to know today. So how do we discover our purpose? The movie Moana gives us some insight.
- Your passion reveals your purpose: We all will ask a couple core questions at one time or another in our lives: “What am I supposed to do?” Or “What is my purpose?” Chances are, you’ve asked yourself that question more than once, because each passing season of life gives way to another where your circumstances, relationships and desires change. Why is it important to discover your true identity, place and purpose in life? From a Christ-follower’s point of view, the term “passion” can be easily misunderstood. An accurate description of “passion” is found in Romans 12:11: “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” (NIV). Our passion is an interest so powerful that it bubbles and boils inside of us. God desires for us to find such causes and invest in them with intensity. Those passions can be a sign of your God-given purpose. We are passionate about our spouse, our children, our work. We get fired up over injustices in the world; when we hear about children being abused we get angry. Talking about what Christ did for me stirs me up. When coupled with my talents, these passions point in the direction of my purpose. God has called you to a purpose and wants you to walk in it — for others and for your own joy. Also consider that since God has called you, He is completely able to reveal your purpose to you, and He will, as you diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).
- When you know who you are – God reveals your purpose: The ending of Moana starts with an epic battle, then Moana says calmly, before the looming, furious Te Ka, “Let her come to me.” The ocean parts, and Te Ka bears down angrily as Moana sings Know Who You Are, “I have crossed the horizon to find you /I know your name /They have stolen the heart from inside you, but this does not define you /This is not who you are /You know who you are.” In the same way we need to know who we are in Christ so that you can live your life as God intended and fulfill your purpose. The more you understand your identity in Christ, the more your behavior will begin to reflect your God-given purpose. Understanding who you are in Christ will give you a strong foundation to build your life on. Knowing who you are in Jesus is the key to a successful Christian life and a life lived on purpose.
- Our purpose is never just about me: Albert Einstein said, “A life directed chiefly towards the fulfillment of personal desires will sooner or later always lead to bitter disappointment.” One religious mindset that many of us grew up with is “Church is about me.” We think we go to church for ourselves, to talk about how we are doing, or to get some help for our lives. The problem is too many of us don’t understand that God’s plan is so much more than that. God’s plan is more than church attendance, it’s about changing lives. God’s purpose for your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness. It will last longer than your family, your ministry, or even your dreams and ambitions. You were born by His purpose and for His purpose. That’s because we typically begin at the wrong starting point – ourselves. We ask self-centered questions like: “What do I want to do with my life? What are my goals, my ambitions, and my dreams for my future?” Focusing on yourself will never reveal your life’s purpose because the Bible says in Job 12:10, “For the life of every living thing is in his hand, and the breath of every human being.” But living a life with your ultimate purpose in mind gives you a chance to live beyond your own limitations—to love, sacrifice and give to others.
Discussion Questions:
- “You may hear a voice inside. If the voice starts to whisper, ‘To follow the farthest star, Moana’ That voice inside is who you are.” – Grandma Tala. How do we know who we are?
- What are you passionate about? How can you use your God-given passions and interests to serve others effectively?
- Do you spend a lot of time questioning what your purpose is?
- How would knowing who you are help you to know your purpose?
- When you think about how God knows everything, does that make you feel any differently about His purpose for you?
- Is it hard for you to commit to following God’s purpose for your life? Why or why not?
- How can you begin to follow God’s purpose for your life if you don’t know what exactly it is?
Take One Thing Home with You:
Once we find our purpose, we must ensure we don’t lose it along the way. because when we lose our purpose, we can lose our sense of identity and harm our relationship with God. Grandmother Tala told Moana that, “To protect our people, voyaging was forbidden, and we have forgotten who we are.” When the people lost their purpose, they lost the sense of who they were. Our purpose and our identity are closely linked. When we quit doing the things which we were created to do, we get lost, restless and unhappy. As Christians, the Bible warns us over and over not to forget our purpose. I’m talking about the general purpose that we all have as humans and believers on earth. Love God and love each other. That, above all else, is our purpose.