Holy Moments: When it’s hard to obey.
Sometimes, it’s hard to obey. You know what’s right, but in the moment, it can be challenging to choose obedience to God. How can you learn to make choices that honor God even when it’s hard? In this message, we’ll learn how one moment of obedience can change our lives.
Bottom line: You have no idea what God can do through one moment of obedience.
Something To Talk About:
I never thought this would happen … I have no idea what to do next. Have you ever had a moment like that? You’re face to face with a choice that feels bigger than you, and how you respond might change your life. How do you know what to do?
- Life is not measured by time. Life is measured in moments: “Life is not measured by time. It is measured by moments,” is a quote by Armin Houman. The quote suggests that the quality of our experiences is more important than how long we live. It encourages us to find meaning in everyday moments rather than just focusing on the passage of time. Ephesians 5:15-17, “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.” Every second is a precious gift from God, and we should not waste it by letting days slip by without intentionality. To truly “make every moment count,” we must be present in the here and now. This means actively engaging with our experiences, whether it’s a conversation with a loved one, a beautiful sunset, or a simple task. When we understand that every moment matters, we are naturally driven to live with purpose. This means aligning our actions with God’s will, seeking to use our time to serve others, and pursuing our God-given passions.
- You have no idea what God can do through one moment of obedience: When God can only truly work through you if you obey His commands, as obedience demonstrates your trust and willingness to follow His will, allowing Him to use you as an instrument to accomplish His purposes. According to the Bible, Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, is considered a man who obeyed God, faithfully following God’s instructions, notably when he received a message in a dream to marry Mary despite her seemingly “unwed” pregnancy and later to flee to Egypt to protect the baby Jesus from Herod’s threat; demonstrating his unwavering trust in God’s will. Joseph’s obedience resulted in life. He protected Mary from shame, and he protected his son from slaughter. He found for his family a new life and home in Nazareth. It seemed like he was running away. But he was following and chasing after obedience to God. Our obedience is trusting God wholeheartedly. When we let go of ourselves and give God our total reliance, then we trust Him. Obedience requires commitment!
- You don’t have to understand completely to obey immediately: Have you ever felt lost or confused about a situation in your life, where God’s plan seemed unclear or even contradictory to your own understanding? In those moments, true faith shines brightest – the willingness to obey even when you don’t fully grasp the “why” behind God’s instructions. I still can’t get over how weird this situation must have been for Joseph. Put yourself in his shoes for a moment: You’re planning to marry someone, then find out she’s pregnant. If you make plans to divorce her (as custom would require), an angel shows up in a dream and tells you that you still need to marry her. Because the child she’s carrying in her womb? It belongs to the Holy Spirit. Joseph tried to obey. He took what he knew of God’s Law and was willing to put his feet to it even though he did not have all the puzzle pieces. Joseph listened and obeyed, and his obedience was part of God fulfilling His promises. God’s ways are often beyond our comprehension, but our faith lies in believing He knows what is best, even when we don’t. Even when they seem perplexing, choosing to obey God’s commands demonstrates a genuine commitment to your faith.
- Obedience is our responsibility—the outcome is God’s: Obedience to God does not always look how we would want it to look. It does not always make sense. Sometimes, obedience to God looks like breaking social norms and trusting that God is faithful and will guide us, even when things do not make sense. Joseph is an example. Joseph’s deep, enduring faith made him obedient to God, regardless of the cost to his reputation. God can use many types of obedience in His kingdom. In fact, sometimes God chooses faithful followers like Joseph—who are willing to quietly and humbly obey Him and leave the outcome to Him. When Jesus spoke to His disciples in Luke 9:23-27, He laid out what it means to follow Him. The first step was to deny themselves or relinquish personal control over their lives. This message is for us, too. The idea of “letting go and letting God” is complex and countercultural. We struggle to surrender our lives to God for fear of not getting what we want out of life. But the good news is that surrender brings more freedom, purpose, and fulfillment than striving and controlling ever could. God used Joseph because He trusted him enough to obey.
Discussion Questions:
- What areas of your life could benefit from a more intentional approach, where you could “make every moment count?”
- How can you be more present in your daily interactions with others, showing them that you value their time?
- What is your favorite part of Joseph’s story? What did you learn about Joseph from this message?
- How does Joseph’s story encourage you to cooperate with God even when He wants you to do something difficult? How does Joseph’s story encourage you that God knows what He’s doing even if you don’t understand?
- Has God ever told you to do something that didn’t make sense? What was your reaction?
- How does God use our obedience to grow our faith? What does He want us to learn?
- What is the difference between immediate obedience and delayed obedience? What are the effects of each one?
- What makes it hard for you to obey God consistently? What reasons do we give for not obeying God? What does our unwillingness to obey say about our heart condition?
- God teaches us to trust and to leave the outcomes to Him. Why is that so difficult?
- How can you start to apply this message this week? What do you plan to do?
Take one thing home with you:
Joseph seems to fly under the radar a bit during the Christmas story. Mary is the focal point in the story: a pregnant virgin who bravely follows God’s lead, takes a long journey, and gives birth to our Savior in a dirty stable.
Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, doesn’t have a line in the Christmas narrative. There are no words of Joseph recorded in Scripture. But Joseph is a faithful husband and a caring father. He is a man of faith who listens to God’s messages and then obeys God’s commands, trusting in God’s promises. He was not passive but focused and intentional in his actions. The example of Joseph’s life also reminds us to trust God even when things don’t make sense.
Joseph not only listened carefully but acted on God’s instructions. Joseph did exactly what God asked him to do. He didn’t wait until morning. He didn’t wait for better weather. He took immediate action. It was obedience motivated out of faith and love of God that moved Joseph to action.
God is still expecting our faithful response through obedient action. Joseph’s example should inspire and guide us to find hope and direction for living. Take time this Christmas to be quiet enough to listen to God’s voice and respond with faithful obedience.