Christmas Gifts: Jesus came to give us authentic peace.
The incredible Christmas story of God breaking into this world is true, and it is incredible. God taking on humanity is a story that rings of God’s glory and a new peace given to the globe. How do I enjoy the Christmas peace of God right now, personally, in my own heart, and in my own life?
Bottom line: Peace isn’t found in the absence of problems; true peace is found in the presence of God.
Something To Talk About:
Jesus offers internal peace now and eternal peace later. The peace Jesus brought at Christmas is not primarily about external peace but internal peace with God.
The source of peace is a person.
- How do you unwind when exhausted and overlooked? Exercise, movies, hobbies, sports, … all are ok, but none are the attitude for peace. The antidote for lack of peace is not a plan for better time management, not a program for stress relief, philosophy, or a pill. Peace comes from a connection with Jesus. You will be stressed whenever you become detached or disconnected from Jesus. But every time you connect to Jesus, life is better because Jesus pulls the load. You will be yoked with the Creator of all things.
- When you experience the peace of God and peace with God, it gives you peace within. You don’t have to control everything. You’re not sitting around in judgment of everything because you’re at peace. God’s cut you some slack, and you cut others some slack, too.
- Since Jesus came, we have known about God’s love and mercy, compassion, and grace. He wants us to experience His peace. I don’t know how those without Christ handle life’s struggles, but I’m so thankful that, through salvation, we can sense God’s peace no matter what our circumstances are.
- God can give us peace in our souls as we face trials. God makes inner peace available to us as we learn to trust Him. In Romans 14:19, we’re told, “Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.”
Discussion Questions:
- Does peace with God through Jesus Christ sound too easy? Why or why not?
- What are some reasons people assume they can’t find peace with God? Why do you think people carry around these false assumptions?
- True peace comes from surrender rather than control. In what ways have you attempted to control peace with God and/or peace from God
- Read Romans 5:12–21. Does peace with God through Jesus Christ sound too easy? Is it difficult for you to believe that peace with God is possible? Why or why not?
- Before more peace can be produced in our lives, we have to make peace with God. Is something currently in the way of your peace with God?
- Jesus was very intentional about giving out peace in John 14:25-27. What is He saying about His peace, where it comes from, and how is it different from the world’s peace?
- Even though circumstances often create a lack of it, having peace isn’t built on our circumstances. Why do you think this is? Have you ever experienced the peace of God in the midst of less-than-peaceful circumstances?
- Where do you need peace the most right now: peace with God, within, or with others?
- Who in your life exhibits true peace? What about them do you admire and why?
- What was your main takeaway from this week’s message?
Take One Thing Home with You:
The Christmas season is in full swing. Houses are decorated with festive lights, gifts are under the tree, and Christmas music seems to play wherever you go. With all of the hustle and bustle that comes with Christmas, it may seem like real life is put on hold for a while. However, for some, Christmas brings about challenges. When we are faced with tough circumstances during the holiday season, life may seem to be anything but peaceful.
Regardless of your circumstances, remember that the only way we can find true peace is through Christ. John 16:33 says, “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”
Ultimately, it is important to focus on the real meaning behind the Christmas season. Remember that while situations here on Earth may cause us stress, we can find true peace when we focus on Christ and His great love for us.