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I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.

Keith Gillingham

This is a praise to a prayer request. On April 24, 2023. I asked for this prayer request.

My friend Rick Williams is asking for this prayer request for his grandson.

Malakai Morris (Kai) who is 14 years old and lives in Hot Springs, AR. He has stage 4 Ewing Sarcoma Tumors in his Rt elbow, both shoulders, both hips, his Rt thigh, his pelvis, and 7 in his spline.

Received: April 24, 2023

I just received a phone call today from my friend Rick. His grandson just got to ring the cancer free bell.

A while back Kai was visited by the Make-A-Wish foundation and he told them I do not need you guys I am not going to die. So he asked for them to help his friends that are in the hospital with him want an amazing young man. Kai is now 15 years old. The doctors are totally amazed what has happened. Rick wanted me to thank all the prayer warriors for all the prayers. Please continue to keep Kai in our prayers as he grows stronger. What an amazing God we have. This is just another story that he does work miracles in our lives. Thank you for all the prayers.

Received: July 3, 2023

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