“Meanwhile, the disciples were in trouble far away from land, for a strong wind had risen, and they were fighting heavy waves. About three o’clock in the morning, Jesus came toward them, walking on the water….Then Peter called to him, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.” “Yes, come,” Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. “Save me, Lord!” he shouted. Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt me?” – Matthew 14:24-25, 28:31.
What is so astonishing about this passage is that Peter actually jumped out of the boat. Peter was willing to do something that no one else was—jump. And by jumping he had the amazing opportunity to do something no other human being has ever been able to do then and since – walk on water. The whole experience was predicated on getting out of the boat.
If God has given us a burden for someone or something, we need to jump ship if we are going to use our God-given gifts to affect others. Nothing will happen if all we do is talk about jumping into life-changing opportunities that God has put right in our path, but, we never actually jump.
Reluctance to jump is the default reaction for many people. After all, who wants to jump off a boat in the middle of a storm. We prefer staying in our comfort zone, amidst the status quo. Remember that Peter was the only one of the 12 disciples who jumped out. Peter was the only one that experienced walking on water.
Step one is taking the first step. If you want to experience the type of moment that Peter experienced then you have to take a step into the adventure He has put on your heart and get your momentum moving, and God will then empower your next step. It could be something as small as joining a small group, or going on a mission trip, or trying to patch up a splintered relationship. Sometimes taking the smallest step in God’s direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must, but take that first step.
I encourage you not to miss the God-given opportunities because you are too comfortable and safe to jump out of the boat. It is time to jump ship.
Discussion Questions:
- Has there been a situation where you felt the urge to jump out of the boat? If you didn’t what kept you from jumping?
- Is there something today that is calling you to jump out of the boat?