“I have loved you even as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love.” – John 15:9.
The Bible is full of amazing true stories. We can read about The Red Sea parting for Moses, David beating Goliath, Jonah in the big fish, Daniel in the lion’s den and many more. But there is story that overshadows every other story in the Bible; the story of Jesus.
Imagine you are walking with a friend along a dusty road near Jerusalem, talking about the latest news. You look at your friend and comment, “Can you believe they actually killed him?”
“It is hard to believe” your friend says. “But the latest news on the street is that some women are saying they actually saw him alive this morning. What do you make of that?”
Before you can answer, another guy joins the two of you. “Whatcha talking about?” he asks.
“Current events,” you answer. “There is a rumor that Jesus has come back from the dead? But it sounds a little too crazy, doesn’t it?” The new guy pauses for a moment and says, “I’m not sure why you find that a little crazy? Didn’t Jesus predict that it would happen?”
Then the guy goes on to tell you everything the Scriptures said about Jesus. Things that were predicted hundreds, even thousands, of years before. Things that had, indeed, come true through Christ’s life, death and resurrection. Here are a couple examples.
” … Look, your king is coming to you. He is righteous and victorious, yet he is humble, riding on a donkey—riding on a donkey’s colt. “ (Zechariah 9:9). Not long before his death, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey (Mark 11:1-11). “But he was pierced for our rebellion…He was whipped so we could be healed.” (Isaiah 53:5). Jesus indeed was pierced-by the nails of crucifixion and by a spear in his side-and died for our sins (Romans 5:8). “They divide my garments among themselves and throw dice for my clothing.” (Psalm 22:18). That’s just what the Roman soldiers did at the crucifixion (Matthew 27:35). “For you will not leave my soul among the dead or allow your holy one to rot in the grave.” (Psalm 16:10). Jesus didn’t stay in the grave for long. He came back to life (Mark 16:6-7).
It is at that moment that you realize who this guy is, it is Jesus in the flesh, alive and well-just as the Scriptures predicted. And just as Jesus himself had promised. It’s a true story, this walk down a dusty road in the Jerusalem suburbs. (You can read it in Luke 24:13-35).
There are dozens of predictions that ultimately came true with Jesus. In fact, the whole Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, tells his story, clearly pointing to Christ.
Discussion Question:
- What can we do this week to increase our knowledge of the story of Jesus?