“Can you direct the movement of the stars—binding the cluster of the Pleiades or loosening the cords of Orion? Can you direct the constellations through the seasons or guide the Bear with her cubs across the heavens? Do you know the laws of the universe? Can you use them to regulate the earth?” – Job 38:31-22.
You have ideas, dreams, even a vision for your life. You feel called to do something greater and more fulfilling for God, but can’t figure out where to start. Or maybe you look around and see how God is using others and wonder if you have the right stuff to be truly used by God. Most of us feel inadequate at times to be used by God. We feel like we don’t know enough, we haven’t been a Christian long enough, we’re too old, not old enough, don’t have the right gifts, and the list goes on. In other words, God wants to do great things, but He will need to use somebody else.
When we think that way, we limit God’s work to our own understanding. We limit His power to work good from everything. The solution is to stop limiting God in your mind. He’s bigger than your theology. He’s more capable than your mind can comprehend.
I think we sometimes forget how big our God is. Remember, He is the Creator, He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and end. We tend to put God in human terms so that we can better understand Him, but we need to remember that God is not bound by our limitations and our weaknesses, He is as far above them as we can possibly imagine. Our God is not a God we can put in a box, or keep in control, He’s not a tame God or a “safe” God.
Colossians 1:17 says “He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together.” He holds everything from the invisible forces that keep the atoms of our bodies together to the galaxies and constellations in the heavens. In Job 38 (above), God answers Job’s questions about God’s reasons for His actions by contrasting God’s power and majesty with Job’s.
In those moments when you wonder if you can be used by God and deciding whether to take that first step fo faith, remember Luke 1: 37 (NASB): “For nothing will be impossible with God” Nothing means just that: not one thing. Nothing is too big for God, too hard for God, too much for God. And if nothing is impossible, that means anything and everything must be possible with God. He can remove any obstacle, overcome any challenge, mow down any opposition. He can do anything. Anything. God will use you if you are willing to take the first step even if the next big step God wants you to take is actually small.
Discussion questions:
- How often do you reflect on how big and how great our God is?
- Read Psalms 97:1-6: What does that say about God?
- How should the fact that God can do the impossible change how we view our ideas, dreams and visions?