“Now God designed the human machine to run on Himself. He Himself is the fuel our spirits were designed to burn.” ― C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity.
C.S. Lewis tells us that God is our fuel. He is the power, the solution, and the puzzle piece necessary for life. When God is out of the picture, everything doesn’t seem to fit anymore. When God is absent, we are missing the fuel for a vibrant, purposeful life.
We all need refueling. Constantly. It is easy to think that once we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, our spiritual tanks would be full no matter what we do or leave undone. We all know from our own experience that it’s not true. You have to work at it constantly. It’s not a one-time thing. Ephesians 5:18 (AMP) says, “…but be filled with the [Holy] Spirit and constantly guided by Him.” In other words, be continually filled with the Holy Spirit.
Why, then, do we keep forgetting to keep our tanks full? Sometimes, we take God for granted. Sometimes, we forget because life is life. Sometimes, we forget the enemy is crafty. The good news is God is an unlimited source of fuel and is always ready to refuel us. We need to work at it. The more we practice the refueling process, the less likely we are to take God for granted or run on empty. We need to turn to God every single day of our lives. We are dependent on God. The only way to fill our spiritual tank is to abide in Christ.
Take some time to reflect on your story. Remember what God has done for you. Keep telling your story repeatedly so that you never lose your sense of awe and wonder at what God has done in your life. It will refuel you, help you stand strong in faith, and give you the resolve to press on until you see Him do again what He has done in the past.
If we want to be refreshed, we must invest energy and time into our relationship with Him. Maybe we need to develop the habit of waking up early to read the Bible and pray before starting our day. Slowly, over time, that routine will be life-changing. It will allow us to learn something new and exciting about God daily.
We will never have everything figured out or our spiritual tanks full all the time. There will be days when we feel so far from who we want to be spiritually. During those times, we need to remember that an intimate relationship with the Lord is more about endurance than perfection. We don’t have to be perfect; we need to keep going and keep chasing Him every single day.
He is our power source and the only fuel we need.
Discussion Questions:
- What does it mean to you for God to be your source and supply?
- What can we do regularly to refuel our lives spiritually?