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Join us this Sunday! In-Person 9:00am & 10:45am, Online 9:00am, 10:45am & 5:00pm

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Why Study the Bible

“For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” – Hebrews 4:12. 

It may seem an odd question to ask—Why study the Bible? Many Christians would look at the person asking that question and reply, “why wouldn’t I?”  Others would point to the fact that studying the Bible is a huge undertaking. It is also a lot of work if you really want to grasp what the Bible is really saying. The 66 books in the Bible collectively make a unique volume that talks about all the most important matters of life. It deals with right and wrong, morality, life on earth, life after death and touches on all the complicated issues of humanity. Biblical scholars have argued over different themes and passages in the Bible for centuries. While it is the most popular book ever written, it is also the most controversial.

And besides that, if you have spent any time attempting to understand the Bible, you have probably realized that it’s not always a walk in the park. It can take time, effort, concentration, and perseverance. At times, we must be willing to research and dig into resources outside of our normal reading. It requires teachability and the desire to learn.

So why should you study the Bible? The Bible remains the only source of divine revelation and power that can sustain you as a Christian in your walk with God. The Bible provides us the incredible privilege to know God personally through His Word. Bookstores are filled with books attempting to help us figure out this life. There are countless self-help books on marriage, parenting, relationships, and personal growth. There are countless other books on addiction recovery and the ups and downs of life. Still more give views on life after death, good and evil, and the human condition. But only the Bible gives us answers to those questions directly from the God who created us. The Bible is God’s inspired words to us. No self-help book can come close to the words of our Creator.

Studying God’s Word may be a challenging task, but it is doable and eminently worthwhile. God did not give us His Word to confuse us, but to enlighten us. He revealed the contents of the Bible so that we could understand. But understanding requires study. If we are not willing to put in the effort and the work, then it is easy to miss out on rich, life-changing knowledge we gain  by studying the Bible. The rewards of pouring over and examining the Bible make the work well worth it. The effort we exert in seeking to know the Word will be nothing in comparison with the payment we receive back from it.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Read Psalm 119:103, 105, 114, and 160: What do this verses say to you about studying the Bible?
  2. What can we do this week to improve how we read and study the Bible?