“A common vision can unite people of very different temperaments.” – Tim Keller
Each of us is faced daily with the potential to “plateau” in our lives…to stop progressing, maturing and growing. The same is true for churches, businesses, and organizations.
In the first part of Proverbs 29:18, we find a familiar portion of Scripture. Most Christians are familiar with the quote from the KJV: “Where there is no vision, the people perish…” The translation in the NLT gives us insight as to why people with no vision perish: “When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild…” In other words, where there is no vision, no direction from God, people will “do their own thing” and “go their own way,” which in many cases ends up badly.
Vision requires some introspection, it requires asking some tough questions: Do we as Christians have a sense of vision? Do we have a God-given dream? De we believe God is directing us? Leading us? We need the answers to those questions because God is in the people business. And the more we are in lock step with God’s direction for our lives the more we will have a direct impact on people’s lives.
The idea of having a plan for the future makes perfect sense. But developing that plan sounds like the province of a corporate think tank. But is it really that complicated? We can simplify it by looking at our lives and asking what changes do we need to make going forward that we live our life so radically different that we are seen as people who are living their life “on mission” for Jesus Christ. What can we do to impact the people around us as David did? “…David had done the will of God in his own generation…” (Acts 13:36)
Think about it this way: what would your life be like if you were not afraid to believe God and your faith reflected that? What if you believed God’s promises? How different would you view your vision of the future? Would you dare to dream bigger dreams? Dreaming big, casting a large vision, does not cost anything. The Bible says, “God . . . is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of — infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes” (Ephesians 3:20 TLB). So no matter how big we think in our life, in our ministry, in our church, God can do it and so much more. It starts with a vision.
Ask God, “What do you want me to do? How do you want me to do it? And when do you want me to do it?” Pray and ask God to bless what you are doing. Pray and ask God to do some exciting things in your life today and ask that you play a part in some of them.
Discussion Questions:
- How long has it been, if ever, since you asked God, “How am I doing?” What might be some of the ways God would use in your life to answer that question?