“…those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” – Proverbs 11:25.
What do you find truly refreshing? It could be an ice cold water, sweet tea, lemonade, a nap or maybe it is the joy of mentally refreshing with a friend. A personal phone call, or having lunch together. Laughter too can be refreshing, so can fishing. Of all the refreshing experiences we can find, nothing can compare to the renewal of the mind and spirit that is found in the presence of God.
Life is full of hard times and disappointments. There are little things that drag us down. And big things that can devastate us. And there are lots of things that fall somewhere in the middle. We need to be refreshed and sometimes refreshment comes in the form of approval and applause from those around us. We need encouragement, we need to feel like we are liked and we are doing things that make us likable. As we have said this week, we need to seek our encouragement from God first. Because when we draw near to God, our minds are refreshed and our strength is renewed.
Jeremiah 31:25 says, “I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.” Those verses provide each of us the approval, admiration and encouragement we need.
God can do the impossible because His power is like no other. And His word contains His promise to refresh and satisfy. That’s a promise no one else can make and keep. Not our spouses, our co-workers, friends or relatives. But He can and He will. When we need validation, when we need to be refreshed, go to God rather than others.
Even now as believers, we can experience a time of refreshing by quieting our hearts in a devotional time of prayer and Bible reading. When we spend time alone with the Lord, we can experience His peace and joy which renews us in spirit. “Jesus replied, “If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water.” (John 4:10)
Discussion Questions:
- What do you find refreshing?
- How have you experienced God’s refreshing in your life?
- What obstacles are there to having a daily devotional time? What can you do this week to remove those obstacles.