Join us this Sunday! In-Person 9:00am & 10:45am, Online 9:00am, 10:45am & 5:00pm

Join us this Sunday! In-Person 9:00am & 10:45am, Online 9:00am, 10:45am & 5:00pm

Join us at the next Sunday worship service:
9:00am & 10:45am,
Online 9:00am, 10:45am & 5:00pm

Take Off Your Mask

“I wish every day could be Halloween. We could all wear masks all the time. Then we could walk around and get to know each other before we go to see what we looked like under the masks.” – Quote from the movie Wonder. 

Halloween inspires creativity and there seems to be no limits or boundaries to what or whom you can become. On Halloween there’s no script, there’s no plan; you can choose an identity that feels exciting and new. In many cases, the best costumes involve exotic and scary masks. There is one problem with those type of Halloween masks, they are suffocating. There are reasons we don’t wear masks; the holes are small making it hard to breathe, speak, or see clearly. All the senses are impaired. And even though people rave about the awesomeness of your costume, you can’t wait to get home and take off the mask and breathe.  

In the movie Wonder, Auggie uses an astronaut’s helmet to help him cope with being different. Auggie’s helmet acts as a way to experience the world without actually living in it. Without the helmet, Auggie felt exposed and vulnerable. Many of us do the same thing. We wear a mask. We wear a mask to hide something. or maybe to protect something. Masks don’t just hide who we are—they block our vision. They don’t allow us to see the whole truth about ourselves, God, or anyone else.

Ripping off that mask and letting you see who you really are gives you room to breathe, room for God to move, to use you in the same way He created us—in His image. It also gives people room to judge us and all my flaws, but I am willing to take that risk to stand before you as who I really am rather than a fake, plastic, masked version. I want to be brave enough to rip off my mask, not so you can see my glorious face, but so you can see His.

Here is the good news: If you believe that Jesus sees all your flaws, but loves you anyway, you don’t have to lie to yourself about your flaws, faults, and sins. You no longer have to be afraid of what others would think if they truly knew you either since God already loved and accepted you in spite of your sins.

This week, let’s take a hard and honest look at the masks we have been hiding behind. Remember, you are not alone—we all have them. Like Auggie, face your giants. It is faith that will enable you to overcome your fears.  

Discussion Questions:

  1. How/when do you find yourself hiding your true self from God? What would it look like for you to live openly before God? 
  1. What are the obstacles to taking off our mask? What are the benefits?